Todd Gordon - Evergreen
Genie Music
01 (I’ve Got a Gal in) Kalamazoo (Duet with The Swingcats)
02 Who Wants to be a Millionaire? (Duet with Claire Teal)
03 Summer Wind
04 I Left My Heart in San Francisco
05 Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love)
06 The Best Is Yet to Come (Coleman/Leigh)
07 Autumn in New York (Duet with Carol Kidd)
08 I Believe in You (Loesser)
09 Manhattan (Duet with Jacqui Dankworth)
10 Evergreen (Title)
11 They Can’t Take That Away from Me (Duet with Janet Seidel)
12 My Favorite Things (Duet with Erin Dickins, from Manhattan Transfer)
13 Cheek to Cheek (Duet with Horse)
14 Come Back to Me
SBS 드라마 '태양을 삼켜라'의 류오성 테마로 사용되어진 'Everything Must Change'로 국내에서 명성을 얻게 된 '토드골든(Todd Gordon)'의 첫 국내 정규 음반입니다. 이 음반은 구지 재즈 매니아가 아니더라도 누구나 알만한 14곡으로 구성되어 있으며, 미국, 유럽 및 한국 등 전 세계에서 동시에 발매되었습니다. 또한 미국 최고의 재즈 밴드인 'Swing Cats Big Band'와 'The Royal Airforce Squadonaires Orchestra'가 참여하였으며, 영화 '쉬리'의 'When I Dream'으로 너무나 유명하게 알려진 '캐롤키드(Carol Kidd)', '맨하탄 트랜스퍼(Manhattan Transfer)'의 멤버로 더 유명한 여성 싱어 '에린디킨스(Erin Dikens)' 등이 참여하여 만든 보기 드문 빅 밴드 재즈 명반이라고 할 수 있습니다.
음반의 타이틀 곡인 'Evergreen'은 영국 최초의 빅밴드이자 오케스트라 팀인 'The Royal Air force Squadronaires'이 협연한 곡이며, '바바라 스트라이샌드(Barbra Streisand)'의 원곡으로 알려진 곡이기도 합니다.
This album is the first debut album of Todd Gordon, one of Brilliant Jazz singer, England.
This gentleman has had sang a song "Everything must changed" at his single album and this is licensed and used as the hero’s theme song of the SBS TV drama "Swallow the sun".
Todd’s this album released simultaneously America, Europe and Korea has 14 beautiful tracks.
Todd’s “Swing Cats Big Band" and "The Royal Airforce Squadonaires Orchestra” has Feautured their music together for this histroic album and, you can hear Carol Kidd, the diva of the legendary song "When I dream" and Erin Dickens who is well know member of Manhattan Transfer Jazz singers got the song for this album.
The titling song “Evergreen" has featured particular by the "Royal Airforce Squadonaires Orchestra" and you will be noticed this is one that the 'Barbra Streisand' was the original singer of this song.
